Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Summer of Emily

It's been way to long since my last post. After the craziness of school and going back home I have settled into the life of no homework or work! I thought that I would be pulling my hair out from boredom but I have been keeping myself busy with everything from baking, sewing, gardening, and painting to hiking, swimming, and biking. I can't remember the last time I was unemployed and not in school, probably in high school so I feel this is a well deserved break.

Brendan has been working away despite me bugging him and has come on some of the hikes and to the swimming holes. He is still working on his violin but is held up because he hasn't found a ban saw. Cricket is the happiest dog in the world between homemade food, hiking three times a week and going to the dog park she is pretty content.

There are many more things to do this summer including wineries, breweries, outdoor concerts, biking, and of course eating. Brendan parents are coming for the last weekend in July and I can't wait for them to visit. We wish everyone could come and visit us!
Kelly, one of my dear friends for Colorado, has made the move to Portland and is interning at Providence Hospital we have enjoyed exploring Portland together and being tourists in our new home.

This is the trail on one of my first Oregon hikes. It was so beautiful with the wildflowers and views of the Columbia gorge. After the hike Kelly and I went to the fish hatchery where they have one of the largest sturgeons, his name is Herman the sturgeon and is around 70 years old! Here is a video of him swimming around.

A very narrow trail that had a steep drop off almost the entire 12 miles. Cricket gave Brendan and I a heart attack when she decided to chase a chipmunk....down the cliff. I thought we had lost her forever but she came bounding back up. She was leashed the rest of the hike.

A rough place to eat lunch.

Hiking with Brendan and our friend Kelly (in the background)

A well deserved treat after a long hike. Yes, I am aware how big that serving of ice cream is. That is what the ice cream place considers a "medium" I consider it an Emily sized portion.

Hopefully I will keep the blog more up to date since I have lots of free time and I want everyone to move here. I will of course leave you with some photos of Cricket.


  1. Looks like the hikes we go on. Love our Rocky Mtn. trails and i getice cream treats after. Cricket is so sweet. Brendan, you really look like Uncle David.

    Susan and Dennis

  2. Emily! I can't believe Cricket went over that cliff!! Portland summer sounds amazing:)
