Monday, July 26, 2010

Another Day at the Office

Ugh it's Monday. The only reason I hate Monday right now is because everyone I like has to work, except me. What's a girl to do? With 64 days until school starts I am rapidly running out of time before I head back to the salt mines.
Last week I made myself a purse! Brendan ordered me a manual to my sewing machine so I am learning how to use it properly.

Here is the purse I made! It even has a pocket inside!

I am pretty proud of myself! Maybe my calling in life is to make purses and little wallets and sell them at fairs. Maybe I could incorporate eating fruits and veggies into my purchases, that way I can still use my masters. Speaking of veggies I made the most excellent enchiladas the other day and highly recommend everyone makes them.
See don't they look good

They were so easy to make. I cut a few yams into small chunks and seasoned them with olive oil, salt, and cumin and cayenne pepper then roasted them until fork ready. Then I sautéed some onions and bell peppers (you could roast them I just forgot) and added some crushed garlic and a pinch of crushed red peppers. Then I mixed the yams, peppers and onions in a bowl and added a can of black beans and crumbled some cajota cheese (awesome mexican cheese) into the mixture. Then I rolled the filling into small whole wheat tortillas. usually I am skeptical of whole wheat tortillas but in this case it worked really well. I sprinkled some more cajota cheese on top and then put them in the oven till everything was warm. Then I sprinkled some cilantro and avocado on top. Yummmm.
I also finished a painting the other week but i think I will paint over it and try again I didn't really like how it turned out. In my head I have wonderful ideas that just don't seem to get across to my hand. I tried a new technique of painting then sanding it and then doing a brown wash to make it look "antique" here is how it turned out.

So onward I work on my new art career, thank goodness I have a backup career....well sort of. Have a happy Monday! And Cricket says hello!

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