Thursday, July 29, 2010

Jurassic Park

A picture representing what it feels like to hike in the North West made by my good friend Kelly Barker

Monday, July 26, 2010

Another Day at the Office

Ugh it's Monday. The only reason I hate Monday right now is because everyone I like has to work, except me. What's a girl to do? With 64 days until school starts I am rapidly running out of time before I head back to the salt mines.
Last week I made myself a purse! Brendan ordered me a manual to my sewing machine so I am learning how to use it properly.

Here is the purse I made! It even has a pocket inside!

I am pretty proud of myself! Maybe my calling in life is to make purses and little wallets and sell them at fairs. Maybe I could incorporate eating fruits and veggies into my purchases, that way I can still use my masters. Speaking of veggies I made the most excellent enchiladas the other day and highly recommend everyone makes them.
See don't they look good

They were so easy to make. I cut a few yams into small chunks and seasoned them with olive oil, salt, and cumin and cayenne pepper then roasted them until fork ready. Then I sautéed some onions and bell peppers (you could roast them I just forgot) and added some crushed garlic and a pinch of crushed red peppers. Then I mixed the yams, peppers and onions in a bowl and added a can of black beans and crumbled some cajota cheese (awesome mexican cheese) into the mixture. Then I rolled the filling into small whole wheat tortillas. usually I am skeptical of whole wheat tortillas but in this case it worked really well. I sprinkled some more cajota cheese on top and then put them in the oven till everything was warm. Then I sprinkled some cilantro and avocado on top. Yummmm.
I also finished a painting the other week but i think I will paint over it and try again I didn't really like how it turned out. In my head I have wonderful ideas that just don't seem to get across to my hand. I tried a new technique of painting then sanding it and then doing a brown wash to make it look "antique" here is how it turned out.

So onward I work on my new art career, thank goodness I have a backup career....well sort of. Have a happy Monday! And Cricket says hello!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Backpacking in Washington

Last weekend three of my girlfriends and I went backpacking. After the first failed attempt to camp at the Indian Heaven Wilderness area, due to snow, we headed to the Lewis Clark Trail. Note: when the National Forest Services' website says "trail closed due to snow" you should believe them, even when it is the middle of July.

So with plan B we went to the Lewis Clark Trail # 31 that follow the Lewis and Clark trail and has some spectacular waterfalls. In the begging we planned to hike in about 3 miles with our packs but ended up doing 7. It was one of the most beautiful hikes

I have ever been on with multiple stream crossings, waterfalls,
and giant cedars. Unfortunately my Chaco shoe strap broke so I did the whole trip with a broken shoe. And yes, I am aware I am wearing socks with my sandals.

In the morning we were greeted with three river otters playing in the water. I came to the conclusion that I want one. After hiking back out we drove up to the Lower Falls area, which is where one of the famous Lewis and Clark River Falls is. I don't know if you can tell by the picture, but these falls drop about 250 feet.

Standing on top of the falls! Moments later I watched a kayaker go down them!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Summer of Emily

It's been way to long since my last post. After the craziness of school and going back home I have settled into the life of no homework or work! I thought that I would be pulling my hair out from boredom but I have been keeping myself busy with everything from baking, sewing, gardening, and painting to hiking, swimming, and biking. I can't remember the last time I was unemployed and not in school, probably in high school so I feel this is a well deserved break.

Brendan has been working away despite me bugging him and has come on some of the hikes and to the swimming holes. He is still working on his violin but is held up because he hasn't found a ban saw. Cricket is the happiest dog in the world between homemade food, hiking three times a week and going to the dog park she is pretty content.

There are many more things to do this summer including wineries, breweries, outdoor concerts, biking, and of course eating. Brendan parents are coming for the last weekend in July and I can't wait for them to visit. We wish everyone could come and visit us!
Kelly, one of my dear friends for Colorado, has made the move to Portland and is interning at Providence Hospital we have enjoyed exploring Portland together and being tourists in our new home.

This is the trail on one of my first Oregon hikes. It was so beautiful with the wildflowers and views of the Columbia gorge. After the hike Kelly and I went to the fish hatchery where they have one of the largest sturgeons, his name is Herman the sturgeon and is around 70 years old! Here is a video of him swimming around.

A very narrow trail that had a steep drop off almost the entire 12 miles. Cricket gave Brendan and I a heart attack when she decided to chase a chipmunk....down the cliff. I thought we had lost her forever but she came bounding back up. She was leashed the rest of the hike.

A rough place to eat lunch.

Hiking with Brendan and our friend Kelly (in the background)

A well deserved treat after a long hike. Yes, I am aware how big that serving of ice cream is. That is what the ice cream place considers a "medium" I consider it an Emily sized portion.

Hopefully I will keep the blog more up to date since I have lots of free time and I want everyone to move here. I will of course leave you with some photos of Cricket.