Monday, February 14, 2011

I love this photo.

Happy Valentines Day!

So most of you know that I hate February and that I think it is the worst month ever. For example look at the weather today------>
It's just gross, no wonder I don't want to do any homework or any other responsibilities.

But, Brendan made my day by bringing me the best valentines day bouquet ever!

Yes a bouquet of donuts. That is how I know he is my one and only. Thanks for the best valentines day ever! I think this will get me through the week!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Promises Promises

Here are some of those photos I promised everyone (although I am pretty sure Meganita is the only one still reading this). But here we go!
Of course we have to start out with Cricket because she is always so cute!
This is how Cricket watches squirrels from the office. She is obsessed with squirrels. But this is how she sits on the futon and until she sees a squirrel and then she sits on her hind legs and whines.
She kind of reminds me of an old man sitting with her belly out, all she needs is a beer can.

Ok now this one some may think that I took over the summer and am just posting it now, but you are wrong! We went on a family hike at the end of JANUARY! Yep that's right. For all you nay sayers who are holed up in snow this is what we Portlanders get to do in the winter. Ok maybe only like 10 days during the winter but you get the point.

I would like to point out a few things in this picture:
1. The blue blue sky
2. How I am wearing shorts and a t-shirt in January and am hot.
3.How tired Cricket is. She must have hiked that mountain 4 times from running up and down the trail.
4. We also saw a bald eagle here but couldn't take the picture fast enough. Yeah a bald eagle

And here is Brendan on his birthday! A quarter of a century.

You may be thinking this picture looks familiar.......maybe a year ago I saw this.....

<------- 2010

1. Flannel..........check
2. Beard............check
3. Cake..............check

Friday, February 4, 2011

Oh Geez!

It has been so long since I posted on the blog. So long that my browser didn't remember the website and I had to type the whole thing in. That's a long time! But I now have a newly committed enthusiasm for updating the blog! So you are welcome, I know you have been dying to know what has been going on in the life of Emily and Brendan.
Here are some highlight:
1. I graduate June 10th! Well graduate if I finish the quarter, two more classes, an internship, and oral comprehensive exams.
2. Brendan turned 25! I know big deal, we will be the same age for 2 months.
3. It was sunny here for a week! Big news.
4. I think I am becoming allergic to peanut butter......I know.
5. Most important my birthday is in less than a month!
6. Cricket has a boyfriend named Tanner and a best friend named Lilly.
7. I will be doing an internship for the county at Healthy Active Schools evaluating policies that the schools have implemented to enhance nutrition and increase physical activity (geez it almost sounds like I know what I am talking about).
8. Brendan is making progress on the violin and it may be done by the end of the decade.

In the spirit of lists here is a list of birthday wishes (in no particular order):
1. A macbook pro
2. The maroon trench coat at patagonia
3. Cricket to finish grad school for me
4. A genie that will let me see into the future if we stayed in OR vs. CO
5.Non-springform cake pans
6. Gloves that are cute but warm
7. Black wedges with a round non-peep toe
8. A pledge from Brendan and Cricket to exercise together once a month, cause a family that plays together stays together.

I must be missing alot of things because Brendan says I want everything! My Dad got me a great jacket for my birthday-Thanks Dad! I love early birthday presents, I loved it even more that it came for me on Brendan's birthday.

Ok I will take some photos soon so you can remember what we look like.